Friday, May 28, 2010

Embracing Life!

Dear Lightworkers,

It has been a while since I have communicated with you. I spent almost a week in the hospital, and my younger daughter has moved from an apartment into a darling little house, which included tremendous time and energy to pack, move, unpack, and do upgrading work on the new place. There have been challenges, but again, it is how 'they' are viewed on this journey. And each time there was a challenge, there was a solution presented to us, from friends, or strangers, or just from the Guides Themselves.

It has been a remarkable lesson in learning to relax, and tune into Spirit, no matter what the challenges, the tasks, or the opportunities are. Everything seems to eventually fall in place, and that is truly a blessing. It is a blessing to have my family around me, and to see them often. It is a blessing to work together, supporting one another as we do, knowing that God is in the midst of all that we do. It is truly a blessing to be alive and to experience all the amazing activities that come our way, be they surprised challenges, or surprised opportunities. We know the Angels are working with us, and with our daughter who has moved from one location to another. She found a little dream house, after some doubt about getting the right one. I just said, relax, and Spirit will bring you the right place at the right time, and that is just what Spirit did! She found the house online, and after looking at it, (she has looked at so many houses), she knew it was for her. Then, everything fell in place for her to be able to get it, and the right contractor came out of the blue, offered her many discounts, and even did some work without pay, to help her get settled in her little home. Now, that is Spirit in action!

A few months ago, I was reading Neale Donald Walsch’s book, Happier than God. Turn Ordinary Life into an Extraordinary Experience. I feel honored now to share with you some new insights, from pages 142-145 in this book. Because there are no accidents, I came across my notes about this book, a couple of days ago, and just felt that I had to share them with you, after the amazing experiences my daughter and I have both had recently.

I have been rereading these insights I wrote previously and feel marvelous. I hope they resonate with you as well, as together we continue this journey of life, with its ups and downs, its sideways and right ways, which are all good, which are all God!

“God is life’s Essential Energy. You could call it Pure Intelligence. Intelligence doesn’t care whether you believe in it or not. It doesn’t care whether you see It on purpose or not. If you do use It on purpose, It doesn’t care how. It makes no judgment about any of this. If fact, It makes no judgment about anything at all.

“Pure Intelligence wants nothing, needs nothing, seeks nothing. It simply Is. It exists in a way that allows Itself to be used. It does this, It allows this, It makes this possible by placing Itself inside of Everything!

“Wherever you look, you will find Pure Intelligence. It is as the basis of all things that exist.

“Pure Intelligence is being used at every level of life, by Life Itself. You are using this energy every second of every minute of every hour of every day, without knowing it!

“Pure Intelligence is another name for God, and has no opinion about anything. It doesn’t need anything. It is singularly without need, for the simple reason that it is everything that exists in any form whatsoever. This includes all physical things, all metaphysical things, all spiritual things, and anything in any Form that simply Is—including thoughts, emotions, feelings, ideas, and yes, black holes of space.

“The opportunity that lies before us is to use the Essential Energy of Pure Intelligence in the way in which it was designed to be used. That is—with full self-awareness and with Intention, with a level of consciousness that we use even now: allowing ourselves to notice ourselves in doing what we are doing, and thinking what we are thinking and saying what we are saying, in being aware that we are aware of everything, all the time.”

I will now share with you, the affirmations I say based upon the writings in this book:




Therefore, dear Lightworkers, be of good cheer, and embrace life with all the zeal, all the love, all the enthusiasm, all the joy, and energy that you possess and more. Embrace all the challenges, all the opportunities, all the experiences, all the relationships with the energy of God, Pure Intelligence, flowing through your veins, in full consciousness, focusing always on the divine within and without, knowing we are making changes, as we too shift and evolve in whatever we encounter, whatever we achieve, and whatever greets us coming around the turn in life. We truly are ready for all quests, all tasks, as we remain aware and focused in the light within and without.

God bless each of you!


Lightworker Gloria

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Experiences at Questhaven: Stepping off The Linear Time Line into Quantum Time with The Soul

Greetings Friends!

This past Easter holiday, my husband and I visited a very special and spiritual place called Questhaven in Escondido, California, for their annual Easter Retreat. From the moment we entered the grounds, we were transported to another dimension, where peace, silent joy, beauty and holiness prevail! The energy emanating from Mother Nature, and the human families who dwell there, or just volunteer to work on the premises, made us feel like we were coming "Home" to fellowship with our Questhaven Family, and all the Angelic Beings, Masters, Devas, and Nature Sprites who are everywhere on these special premises.

Walking the grounds and some of the magnificent trails, I experienced a vibration that cleared my mind, strengthened my physicality, and brought divine bliss to my Soul. The Nature paths, the flowers, the running creeks, and trees called to me to connect with them, and to receive the blessings they give to all of humanity. Each night, I felt the energy pulsating throughout my body from the love of the Angelic Beings and The Masters, comforting me, communing with me, as I prepared for sleep and dreams that transported me from Linear Time to Quantum Time with my Soul.

Being in the Chapel for the Good Friday and Easter Services brought a special reverence and awakening to the Oneness in this friendly Universe, the unconditional love of The Indwelling Christ, our Creator Within, and a rebirth in my consciousness that stays with me in my meditations and my memories of this special weekend, as I now go about my daily tasks at home with ease and grace.

I consider these sacred grounds of 640 acres of trees, flowers, hiking trails, hills, labyrinth, cottages, a chapel, and library to be a Divine Oasis in the thirsty desert of this world, that brings hope, joy, enlightenment, serenity, and fulfillment to all who enter this blissful energetic area, while quenching the thirst for all to drink in the well of holy abundance that is felt everywhere there.

In this area of blissful energy, I found that I could write with great clarity, and ideas just seemed to flow into my mind. The silence at night was sweet and healing, shutting out the noises of civilization's busyness and the hectic pace of living. A calmness penetrated my presence, and I began to commune with nature. It was transforming and rejuvenating, as my total physicality felt at one with everything: The winding hiking paths that presented picturesque scenes at every bend and corner; the buildings, the grass, the trees, the flowers, the sacred labyrinth that offers a magnificent view of the hills and valleys, the clouds parading across the blue and sometimes, gray sky, which showed me the Holy web of interconnectedness. I saw the oneness in all things, all life, as past, present, and future memories jotted in and out of my imagination, like movie scenarios that come and go at will, leaving imprints on my consciousness, teaching lessons of eternity that transformed my thoughts into the reality of infinite dimensions and multiple life journeys, that gave me mystical insights into a Heaven deep within and without.

It was then that I realized that slowing down to appreciate my surroundings, whether it be at Questhaven, or my home, or wherever I happen to be, is very, very important. For it is in slowing down to appreciate all of nature and life, that life and nature communicate with me and teach me how to look deep within and without, as I learn to listen to the sounds of silence, the sounds of life, the sounds of my own breathing, the sounds of God in panoramic vibrational frequencies, reassuring me that I am never alone. I am one with everything, and I am special, and divine and an extension of Source-Creator experiencing Itself through me and all of life everywhere! Questhaven is within me, just as the Universe, and God are within me, and slowing down to acknowledge and appreciate my inner and outer world, no matter where I am, is a valuable life experience. Life supports me and I support life--we are One for all eternity. We are abundant, and magnificent, and holy, and we live forever in lifetimes and worlds and dimensions that never end. It is a glorious awakening to my consciousness, and gives me fortitude and strength to carry on here, especially when the external world presents all of its amazing drama and illusions to me,suggesting to me that this is all there is. I can now smile and say, I embrace you, just as I embrace my Oneness with all, and slowing down to still my mind shows me the big picture of life.

Let us remember, then, to connect with nature as often as we can, easing our hectic pace to appreciate all the gifts the Universe sends us, on this glorious journey of life. Let us visit places like Questhaven, for quiet, reflective time, to get reacquainted with ourselves and nature, and to experience the treasures that Source lovingly spreads before us all the time, knowing that in the true reality, we are everything, we are everyone, and we are everywhere--for we are eternal!

I invite you to visit the Questhaven grounds and experience the bliss that I enjoyed. Visit the Questhaven website to see all the many spiritually exciting activities they host. When you are there, take time to hug a tree, talk to the flowers, and listen as Nature greets you and communicates with you. Step off the Linear Time Line, and visit Quantum Time for a spiritual soul-changing experience you will never forget!

In my book, Connections With Spirit, I dedicated a poem to these sacred grounds, entitled "Questhaven," and I shall share a few lines with you here:


Take 640 acres of comely nature
Set it in a town in San Diego County
Give it winding trails of unspeakable loveliness
Where flowers, trees, shrubbery, rocks, running brooks

Spiritual shrines suffused with silence
Dancing rays of sun and whispers of the wind
Satisfy the appetite for delicious solitude

Add a heightened spiritual vibration
Of unseen entities of divine essence
Clean air, picturesque hills and valleys

Mix with aesthetic paths which invite you to roam
To connect with the child within you

And you have a marvelous Spiritual Retreat
Called Questhaven--

God bless you,

Lightworker Gloria

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Rebirth of Consciousness: "And a Little Child Shall Lead Them!"

Greetings, Friends!

Last week was extremely exciting for me! I did a 1.5 hour interview with Jenn & Steve Hodgson from the Your Life Matters radio show, where I talked about two of my books: Triumph over Trauma - Learning Begins in Infancy, and Guided by Spirit. Both Jenn and Steve gave me plenty of time to talk about my work with my youngest daughter, Jennifer, in Triumph over Trauma, and then they discussed my spiritual poetry anthology, Guided by Spirit. The interview opened and closed with two different readings from the book's accompanying Guided by Spirit CD, in which I read my poems aloud while Jennifer performs background music which she composed especially to match the intent of my poetry. Many of you have already heard this CD and have used some of the selections for meditation, healing, and relaxation sessions. (For CD purchase information, please click here to email me.)

Click here to listen to the entire interview on my website. (Note: the first 5 or 6 minutes is commercials, so you might want to forward past that part once enough of the audio file has loaded into the web page.)

Usually when I do an interview, I am quite nervous. One would think that I would be relaxed and composed at this stage in my life, but my books are like my children: precious and personal. I am so proud of them, as I am of my real children, and they are my heart. On the show, I began to talk about my younger daughter's traumatic birth, and how by working with her, I helped her to overcome many challenges as a child, and to succeed academically, neurologically, and intellectually later on in life.

Triumph is a story I am very proud to present to the world, for I believe that there are solutions to all problems we have. We need to surrender our problems to Source and acknowledge there is invisible guidance around us all the time. Then, we need to remember to ask for help. I prayed for help for my younger daughter, and synchronicity appeared in my life, in the form of a self-help book called How to Teach Your Baby to Read, in the form of a mother who was already stimulating her little one, and who shared her information with me, in the form of a special week long training workshop that I was able to find out about and attend not far from my home, instead of on the East Coast, on how to stimulate your babies, toddlers, children, to learn just about everything and anything, when my daughter was 20 months old and still nursing. Synchronicity appeared in the guise of a group of mothers who were stimulating their little ones with the same techniques that I had learned, and we formed a special group for our little ones to learn together, to socialize, to attend educational field trips, and to be lifelong friends, carrying with them the love for learning, and a curiosity and respect for all life, sprinkled with humility, and appreciation and love and respect for all people. During the interview, I gave examples of little ones in my own family and little ones with moms who were friends and strangers. All children have one major desire: to learn about their environment, and to sample and experiment on everything new---just like a scientist does---with focused curiosity. Children are wired to learn about their environment, and thrive well when stimulated with love and enthusiasm by their parents, their guardians, or anyone who takes an interest in them.

Children are in awe of life, and begin each day anew with the excitement to embrace new opportunities, new experiences, new delights that await them. Let us then be childlike in our view on life and what this world has to offer, knowing that if we too, work at living with joy, joy is what the Universe will gift us. Let the children be our teachers in the pure love of living, where each moment is new and a celebration in Spirit! It was pure synchronicity that provided me the opportunity to have this special interview to talk about my daughter, realizing that she actually taught me as much as I taught her. When I asked for divine help, opportunities came to me with ease and grace, and I have learned to acknowledge them with gratitude and just know that God is paving the way for my life to unfold with the gracious sprinkling of people, events, and sacred synchronicity all the time, and I am learning to be like a child: never doubting that solutions will come, and support will always be there for me.

I just feel as if I was guided to tell my daughter's story, for it is truly a miracle. And, at this time of the season, when Spring bursts forth in the new growth of plants, and flowers, and the trees are sprouting forth new buds, it is fitting that we think of a rebirth of our own consciousness, as we continue to work on ourselves, by meditating, or praying, or being aware of the glories that surround us, in the love felt and expressed by our family, our friends, by Mother Nature, and the myriad of beautiful blossoms that share their magnificence to lift our spirits and lighten our hearts. Let us embrace the gift of awareness, as we tune into our heightened senses of being fully focused and aware of our intuition, our inner voice, the synchronicity that comes to us, and the signs and symbols that parade themselves in front of us to take notice of the inner and outer dimensions that we reside in. Let us continue to give thanks as we practice understanding, love, forgiveness, gratitude for our families, our friends, our neighbors, and the strangers we meet. Let us be the friend we wish to have, and share our love, our light, our joy, with others, giving of ourselves and receiving the divine energy of all life as a precious gift from the Universe!

Let us feel the energy, the bliss, the insight, and the joy of the Creator within us, as we cultivate a rebirth in our own consciousness, as we connect with the rebirth of all life, moving through us, radiating from us, to all within our environment and this world. Let us walk with the gift of blessed awareness of the invisible sacred energy that surrounds us, and is so devoted to helping us on our life's journey on this planet. And let us see all life through the eyes of little children, in excitement, joy and enthusiasm, freely giving of ourselves and knowing that we, too, are guided, and supported, and nurtured, and in the loving care of our Divine Guidance. Let us carry this zest for life like little children (our Angelic teachers) do, preferring to focus on that which we love and delight in, knowing each moment is a new opportunity to explore, to enjoy and to celebrate. Let us, therefore, celebrate life all the time, even when challenges come to call.

In my book Connections with Spirit there is a selection entitled, "I Celebrate Life!" Read below for my favorite excerpt, or listen to me read the poem out loud with Jennifer's wonderful background music by visiting the link above.

I celebrate life in awe
Ever thankful for the harmony and balance
In my life

Loving all this abundance from the Universe
In full humility
In total gratitude
For the revelation of life
Which is the revelation of God

Happy Easter and God bless you!

Love & Blessings,

~ Lightworker Gloria

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Giving Thanks!

Greetings, Friends in Love and Light and Peace!

I have noticed that in the midst of chaos, the light filters through brighter than ever! That hushed whispering of the Soul beckons us to commune within, and to call to our Higher Self in times of crises. As I rush around, my consciousness gives signals to slow down, and feel the sensations of life blossoming forth everywhere, even in the changes in my physical body! So, I pause, give thanks for everyone and every action, for all life, and for my biological family and friends, my world family, my Divine family, and for all the opportunities that come to visit, whether I take advantage of them or not. I give thanks for the sacred synchronicity ( in many forms) that comes to me through readings I am guided to, or people who call or visit, the unexpected finances I receive, or people who need help.

Recently, a dear friend was very ill, and Guidance said "Go visit him and help him." I thought it was a crazy idea since I lived a distance away, but I told my husband that we should at least check up on him. When we arrived at his home, he was very ill, barely able to walk. We put him in our car and drove him to ER in a hospital in Los Angeles, a distance away from us, but one he chose. We got him there just in time, for he need several transfusions of blood and was in the PCU (Progressive Care Unit) for over eight days! Had I not heeded that still voice, we do not know what would have happened to him, for he lived alone, and was gravely ill.

I canceled all activities, and did heed the still voice that time to help my friend, even though he had not called me, but how many times have I not heeded the advice or guidance of that inner voice because I was not sure that what I was hearing was correct, or I felt concern for what others would think of me? Perhaps it is time to listen to our inner voice, because I feel our intuition is getting stronger, and that voice from Guidance is coming through clearer as we continue to acknowledge it and remain open to receiving the sacred wisdom that pours through us. Acknowledging our inner reservoirs of Spirit Counseling is gaining in importance now, as we see turmoil in the world, and as we see the beauty of the human spirit inducing us to come together to help one another in times of unrest at the same time! The Holy Ones are here and more pronounced in our realities than ever before! We have constant reminders that we are spiritual beings fulfilling our missions in a three dimensional earthly environment that seems to coalesce with multiple environments which are all around us too. Have you not felt that sometimes you seem to be not only in three dimension, but wavering between dimensions or realities? Have you not suddenly witnessed a blur or a shadow out of the corner of your eye, or greeted yourself in the mirror and while staring at yourself, see light around your body, or other images standing with you too? And as much as the external world voices the negative, isn't it a marvelous time to be alive? Look around at the beauties of Nature blossoming forth to greet you, and the sounds of birds, the gentle singing of the ocean's waves, the transformational bliss of the sacred sounds of music and voices that beckon you to come play and experience Heaven in all things.

So, now may be the time to continually give thanks for everything: thanks that you have a place to stay, a bed to sleep in, food to eat, water that nourishes and cleans your body, clothes to warm your body, technology that keeps you in touch with other humans, thought provoking literature that keeps calling you back to Source, a physical body that is ever expanding to receive the light, and that blissful inner connection that patiently waits for you to acknowledge it--that authentic part of yourself that is always there for you--always!

Throughout your day, find things to appreciate, and take a few moments to just say "thank you" to your animate and inanimate treasures. Thank the grass and flowers and trees and shrubbery, for their beauty and comfort, and the rain and sunshine for their loving gifts to enhance your life. Thank your family and friends, and neighbors and strangers that you are here with on this earth together to shine as beacons of hope to all people, all events, all the time. "Thank You" can be two of the most important words in your life; for being in constant gratitude creates miracles in your life which are abundantly present on Mother Earth, and in our Universe! I call these two words sacred gifts from Source; and as I go about my day, acknowledging Source, I remain ever open and ready for all the love and light and insights that the Universe sends me. In every action, I ask for Guidance now, and practice to listen to the holy responses that come, as an avalanche of love envelopes my body with the wisdom I receive!

God bless all of you!

I am so grateful for your connection in this world, which has enriched my life!

Thank you!

~Lightworker Gloria

Friday, February 12, 2010

Triumph Over Trauma: How My Daughter Overcame Her Traumatic Birth

Hello Friends in Love and Light and Peace!

I wanted to share with you a wonderful interview I had yesterday with Michael Ray Dresser, host of the online radio show Dresser After Dark. During the show I discussed my book Triumph Over Trauma: Learning Begins In Infancy, which is based on the story of how my younger daughter, Jennifer, overcame her traumatic birth and tells of the methods I used to stimulate her neurological development. As a result of my efforts, Jennifer was reading independently at the 3rd grade level at only 2 and 1/2 years old, and she was accepted into MENSA before she reached her teens.

Today's blog post will elaborate on the answers I gave during my interview with Michael.

What prompted you to write Triumph over Trauma: Learning Begins In Infancy?

My younger daughter, Jennifer, suffered trauma during my delivery: she swallowed her first stool inside of me, causing her to lose oxygen during the precious first minutes immediately after birth. She was rated in as a 1 on the Apgar scale, a method doctors use to gauge the health of newborns. A healthy baby usually scores anywhere from a 6 to a 10, and anything below a 5 is considered at risk. A score of 0 means the baby is completely unresponsive.

Even after the stool was suctioned out and she began to breathe, Jennifer's score was increased only to a 3. To compound matters, her first brain scan showed evidence of abnormalities. Her father and I couldn't even bring her home. She had to be put immediately into an oxygen isolette and transported to the intensive care unit, where she remained for more than a week. When we were finally allowed to bring Jennifer home, she had to use a feeding tube for several weeks because she could not nurse properly. The doctors told us to prepare for the worst: most babies in Jennifer's situation developed mental disabilities later on in life...but her father and I did not give up.

I wrote Triumph Over Trauma because I felt moved to help other parents, grandparents or guardians of babies or young people whose children may be at risk for problems caused by birth trauma. I listed step-by-step methods that parents can use with their children---the same methods I used with Jennifer! I know what they're going through, and I know how hard it can be to press on in the face of medical professionals who tell you it's not worth it and not to get your hopes up. But no matter how much effort it takes, the potential reward is always worth it: seeing your child overcome his or her disadvantages to become a high-achieving adolescent and ultimately a successful, accomplished adult.

Although Triumph Over Trauma includes personal stories of specific activities I did with Jennifer at various age levels to accelerate her intellectual growth, these techniques can be used with all children, not only those who experienced problems at birth.

Eventually, my work with Jennifer garnered the attention of Essence Magazine, and in 1999 both of us were honored with an Essence Award. We were also interviewed on ABC's The View, CBS's Day and Date and NBC's Inside Edition. We also appeared several times on Rev. Robert Schuller's "Hour of Power" televised Sunday service.

After appearing on national broadcast TV to receive my Essence Award, I began to get calls from parents all across the United States. Mothers cried to me over the phone because they wanted help for their little ones but weren't getting support from their families. Over and over again, parents told me I had to write down what I had done to help Jennifer and make it available. I was initially unsure I could undertake such a daunting task, but my own family encouraged me to tell our story. I pieced together journal entries, searched the house for my old materials, and jogged my husband's memories until I had enough to put together this book. I am so glad it has been able to help other children, as my daughter had been helped.

What techniques and programs did you use with Jennifer?

Several of the techniques I initially used with Jennifer came from the book How To Teach Your Baby To Read by Glen Doman. It is a wonderful source of advice for teaching babies who are as young as a few months old how to recognize words and eventually sentences, all while instilling in them the joy of learning that is often missing from more commonly used phonics-based reading methods.

One person in particular I want to mention is Robert Doman, Jr. Mr. Doman founded the National Association of Child Development (NACD), a non-profit organization dedicated to helping parents maximize their children's potential. Mr. Doman and his team at NACD designed a personalized homeschooling program targeted for Jennifer's special needs at age nine---a list that included ADD/ADHD and poor social skills. Jennifer excelled so greatly, we were able to enroll her in junior college at age 13!

A key element of the NACD program is an activity called Sequential Processing, which uses strings of letters and numbers to determine the amount of information one's brain can correctly process. Regularly practicing Sequential Processing will improve your mental fitness and enhance your brain's ability to retrieve stored information. Although Jennifer was clearly a bright student by the time she was evaluated by NACD, ADD and ADHD were preventing her from processing and understanding all the information she received in her classes. After only a few months with Sequential Processing, Jennifer showed an enormous improvement in her ability to utilize the information she was receiving in her brain in an orderly way, and in her ability to retrieve it effectively on exams and quizzes. Her grades shot up, as did her confidence and her constructive participation in class. (Recently, NACD has developed a computerized version of the Sequential Processing called Simply Smarter.)

Several other techniques Mr. Doman used to accelerate Jennifer's development and sharpen her awareness are also shared in Triumph Over Trauma. It is clear to me that Jennifer's lasting success throughout college and graduate school is directly traceable to NACD program designed for her by Mr. Doman. I could not have written this book without his knowledge and his extensive research into learning disabilities and neurological development.

What are some of the results you saw with Jennifer?

Some of the rewards from stimulating my daughter's development can be seen in the fact that she has very strong general reasoning and analytical abilities and possesses a quick mind. She also seems to excel at anything she tries. Not only was she reading words at 8 months, but she could hum some of the music we played in the background daily for her. She began reading home-made books at age 2/ 1/2 years, and she had her own library card at age 3, by which time she was reading independently at the first to second grade level. She entered junior college at age 13 and earned straight A's across the curriculum. After joining MENSA, she transferred to Harvey Mudd College, from which she graduated with a degree in Mathematics. Jennifer went on to obtain Masters degrees in Operations Research and in Computer Science. She has won local, state, and national awards in violin, voice, art, writing, and science. A few years ago she developed an interest in computer music production, and just last year she released a CD of musical selections which she wrote, performed, engineered and produced all by herself! Her father and I are continually amazed at how accomplished she is.

Why Should Pregnant Women Consider Themselves "Women With Two Brains?"

Why two brains? One is her own brain, of course...and the other is the brain of the fetus growing inside her, wholly dependent upon her choices for its nourishment and development. The experiences the mother has, the food she eats, the environment she chooses, the emotions she feels, the words she vocalizes, the music she plays, the interactions she experiences---all these play a role in shaping the brain of the new life within her. The music I played, the stories I read and the meditations I did were all things that calmed her down. I remember reading the Lord's Prayer to her and saying this was the prayer of Master Jesus. After she was born, and I began showing her pictures of people, with the picture of Jesus in the selections, she would always gravitate back to the picture I called Jesus, and wanted to hold that picture. As a toddler, she would carry it around with her. This and other events with my daughter let me realize how important it is to be careful what you say and how you react to others.

What should I take away from your book?

Parents should realize that all the techniques I describe in my book are designed for children with and without disabilities. Anyone can use these techniques with their kids! It's also important to realize the importance of using grandparents, aunts and uncles, whoever else is in the household to assist you in stimulating your baby, toddler, adolescent, etc. But don't be too serious: the emphasis should be on teaching in an exciting, enthusiastic and joyful tone. Teach them that learning is fun---and mean it, or don't do it all! You should show your children that you love imparting this knowledge to them.

Above all else, you, the parent-teacher, must believe in yourself and in your child's ability to learn! I can't emphasize this more. And believe me, the consistency does pay off. Make sure to give praise often, and don't push your children to always compete with others. Learning is the best game in the world, and it is exciting! Finally, look for and associate with parents who have similar values to yours. As your children grow, their peer group will become more and more important.

I encourage you to pick up a copy of Triumph Over Trauma: Learning Begins in Infancy if you have any more questions, and to listen to my interview with Michael Ray Dresser. The whole three-hour show will air continuously for 24 hours, starting at 7:00 P.M on Feb 11th 2010. (I am on during the second hour of the show...if the show is no longer posted to their website send me an email.)

Enjoy, and I wish all the parents out there the best of luck in raising happy, healthy and successful children!

God Bless You,

Lighterworker Gloria

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Your Body and Your Soul are One!

Greetings Dear Friends in Love, Light, Peace, Joy and Good Health!

This past month has been very challenging for me, because injuries I received in a car accident last year are flaring up with an intensity that has nearly incapacitated me. But Guidance is simply amazing: A dear friend of mine, Paula McIntyre, suggested, in addition to the physical therapy and acupuncture I had been taking, that I try something called BodyTalk.

BodyTalk is a process in which you communicate with your body and all its parts, and listen to its responses. Of course, I am working with a skilled practitioner who is a master at this, but I have found that gently and lovingly talking to my body before I engage in physical activity---or open my mouth---has helped me tremendously! After all, we all have this amazing Spiritual Universe within us, and when we pray or meditate, we go there often. So, why not communicate with the physical just as often and just as intently?

By talking and reading and communicating with my body with songs and smiles, and by telepathically sending it love and being aware of its physical responses, I am finding that my healing is accelerating! This is because my body and I are one. We are on this amazing journey of life together! Whatever I think or say or do or react to affects my total physicality just as much as what I eat and drink. If I am upset, this emotion sends signals to my cells and I feel a reaction that might appear as a headache, or a pinched nerve, or a general feeling of being exhausted. I am slowly realizing that I have acted in the past as if my body operates totally separately from what I am relating, responding, or reacting to!

So, I have been taught a marvelous lesson in Spirit: that we are magnificent Beings of Light and Love and Wisdom, and our Holy Temple, the Physicality in which we are housed during our journey on earth, is also a Universe of Spirit. We need to remind ourselves to take extra good care of our temple; not only by eating nourishing foods and staying hydrated and exercising regularly, but also by paying attention to what we read, what types of music we listen to for joyous, energetic and calming sensations, what thoughts we are engaged in, what types of words and meaning we are vocalizing. We must be very Focused and Conscious about everything we are engaged in---this applies even to the types of relationships we find ourselves in. So from now on, I will ask my body, "Is what I am doing for our highest good?" "Is this for the highest good of all as well?"

Once we realize that our soul, our conscious mind, our unconscious mind, and our physical temple are truly one unit, and that all should be treated with equal love and respect, our world changes dramatically. Our bodies are now expanding to include more light, which requires a healthy temple to house more of the Love and Light of Source. Mr. John Veltheim, author of The BodyTalk System, explains this by emphasizing that all parts of ourselves must be aligned, balanced, harmonized, and synchronized for effective productivity:

"...for the innate wisdom of the individual body is therefore connected to the wisdom of totality as a whole. By utilizing this innate wisdom, we are tapping into universal consciousness all the time. If all interrelationships are synchronized, there will be a universal symphony of total well-beingness!"

And so, my friends, I end with a quote from The Elohim, channeled by my daughter Crystal Noldon during our session on January 16th, as part of her message Using Our Nine Senses:

"Allow your body type to synchronize with you,
to come into balance,
to come into harmony,
into oneness,
so that you may speak to and hear and know every part of yourself.
Then, when you walk through this world,
you will feel and you will know that your Intention is felt within your body.
And what will happen?
All of you will move into a very harmonic, balanced frequency.
You can then feel that (healing) energy all over your body,
and extending out from you to all that is around you."

God bless you!


~Lightworker Gloria

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Adjusting To Change

Greetings Dear Friends in Love and Light and Peace and Joy!

With this new decade will come changes in our lives, changes in our beliefs, changes in our relationships and possibly in our careers, changes in politics, and changes in Mother Earth.

May we welcome change: embrace it and become flexible, knowing that the only permanent thing is change!  May we continue to give thanks to Source for being here at this very special time on earth, and may we continue to send blessings, love and light to all living beings on this amazing planet!   May we also embrace the unexpected events that happen in our lives and in other countries, and in our government, knowing that all is truly in order.  And the more we pray and bless each action, the more it will be held in the light, and the more it will transform for the highest good of all. Remember that the biggest challenge we all face is to integrate our deepest spiritual insights into our daily lives, and to recognize the disguised challenges to our spirituality that we face everyday.  One obvious sign of this challenge is the feelings of anger that may well up in us in unexpected situations. When we recognize this emotion and visualize love from our expanded hearts being sent to it, we will notice the energy shift that appears to transcend the emotion, and we can smile and bless ourselves for this divine observation.

Let us also see the Angels and Masters walking with us, walking with everyone, as we continue to invite "Them" into our lives, our thoughts, all our actions, praising everything we say or do or think with a silent or jubilant prayer of gratitude. 

As we manifest change in our lives, let us be aware that we are the creators of that manifestation---be it positive or negative.  As divine beings connected to everyone and everything, let us hold the vibration of love towards all, and towards all events.  The greatest transformer is Love, and the greatest power is Love.  As we visualize ourselves expanding beyond this planet, let us see ourselves holding this amazing planet in our arms, sending love, light, blessings, peace, joy and unity to Mother Earth.  Let us also  visualize our hearts expanding with this love vibration shifting the energy of all life here.   Let us keep this image in our consciousness as "the unexpected" jolts us from time to time.  We are infinite and eternal.  We radiate bliss wherever we go, and we have the power to project sacred light to all events, all activities, all beings, for we are Magnificent Beings of the Source-Creator!  

So let the celebration of change begin with us, as we see everything with new vision, cognizant that activities and events are transitory; and we are eternal beings living in a transitory existence, learning and experiencing lessons that contribute to our spiritual evolution all the time!  Let us cultivate an attitude of gratitude, blessing all things and all life as it continues to unfold and change and recreate itself.  Let us spiritually "go with the flow" and continue our fellowship with Divinity, as we experience manifold miracles in our lives each day, crafted and gifted to us through Change!

And So It Is!

God bless you,

~ Lightworker Gloria